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Introduction to me!

Updated: Dec 5, 2019

Hello and welcome! My name is Hannah and I live in Victoria BC in Canada, and this is my fashion, and lifestyle blog.

I have always loved fashion since a young age, and luxury goods are becoming a guilty pleasure of mine, some second hand and some brand new. I believe that a good outfit, hair or makeup can turn almost any day around, but also good company like friends and family or cute animals. Dogs and cats are both beyond amazing.

My background is in Interior Design so like I said I love all things design, this also includes kitchens which are one of my favorite things so yes that means cooking and baking are something I love too.

You can look forward to seeing posts about buying quality clothing and accessories, luxury clothing and accessories, local businesses here in Victoria that I love, some brands that have really inspired me, cooking, baking and so much more.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing you again soon!


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